GT Online (7-10)
Differentiated Curriculum
GT Online is a WA Department of Education Selective Academic Program offered to students in Years 7 to 10 who are enrolled at public schools in regional and rural WA. Supplementary programs, such as GT Online, enable gifted students to interact with their peers at a higher academic level than can normally be provided in the regular classroom. The GT Online curriculum is differentiated to cater for the needs of gifted students using three broad approaches: acceleration, extension and enrichment.
- Accelerating learning by compacting the curriculum to exempt knowledge and skills that students have already demonstrated and remove unnecessary repetition. This provides time to advance into content from a higher year level as well as for extension and enrichment activities.
- Accelerating learning by increasing the pace of learning, assisted by less repetition and small group sizes
- Extending the curriculum to deepen students’ understanding of concepts and topics studied.
- Enriching the curriculum to broaden learning experiences, sometimes beyond the curriculum and encourage expansion of knowledge and skills.
A key advantage of the GT Online Program is that regional and remote students can undertake an academic talent program with other similarly talented students, while living at home and attending their local school, instead of having to move to Perth. The ability to manage time and to work independently are key skills developed in the GT Online Program. Students completing the program in Year 10 often remark that they feel ready for senior school and university because they have learned these skills. Participating in the GT Online Program is a rewarding and educationally challenging opportunity that that sets high standards and promotes the successful attainment of learning outcomes, preparing students for Years 11 and 12 and beyond.
How to be a Successful Online Learner
Proficiency strands underpinning all work in Mathematics:
- Understanding
- Fluency
- Problem Solving
- Reasoning
These are taught in the context of the following content strands:
- Number and Algebra
- Measurement and Geometry
- Statistics and Probability
In Mathematics at the Academic Excellence level, all roads lead to Algebra and students should expect to be immersed both in specific Algebra skills and general applications in other strands at all times. The Mathematics GT Online program reflects and exceeds the Australian Curriculum ‘A stream’ syllabus. The program is designed to lead students into Stage 3 Mathematics (MAT) and Mathematics Specialist (MAS) courses in Years 11 and 12.
The program has been further designed to encourage independent and heuristic thinking in Mathematics which then enhances logical thinking in other areas of study and life. Students should not expect to have information poured into their heads as if they are empty vessels waiting for a teacher to fill them. They are expected to think deeply and independently and to explore the Mathematics presented.
During Years 7, 8 and 9 students investigate different aspects of the physical and natural world. Students will be given the opportunity to explore how scientists apply the scientific method in their research of the natural and physical laws that govern the universe and specifically the world in which we live.
The key emphasis in Years 7, 8 and 9 is to encourage and engage students in the love of learning. This is conducted through a variety of strategies aimed at encouraging students to think about their thinking. Year 10 is designed as a transition to upper school and students are given a taste of the content that will be delivered in Biology / Human Biology / Chemistry and Physics at an Upper school level. For each topic, formal or informal pre-tests are given to allow students to demonstrate their pre-existing knowledge. Many of these tasks are open-ended to allow the students the freedom to express their preferred learning style within the context of the question asked.
Practical investigations are completed in several ways including using web cams during WEB Ex lessons, online lab simulations using Explore Elearning Gizmos and during the residential program (camp). There may also be opportunities for students to participate in practical investigations within their host school.
Australian Curriculum programs have been developed for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 in English. Deliberate links between the English and HASS courses enables students to develop both their skills and knowledge in depth. Students of English within the GT Online program, by necessity, become independent and self-motivated learners. English students are given the opportunity to extend their understanding of language and literature through the study of a range of texts and the application of sophisticated concepts. Students are exposed to a diverse range of classic and contemporary texts from a variety of different cultures. Emphasis is placed on developing thinking, analytical and creative skills. Students are supported in the development of their own creative writing, as well as actively encouraged to enter relevant competitions.
Humanities & Social Science
Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Humanities & Social Sciences have been developed according to the Western Australian curriculum with clear links established to the English curriculum.
Humanities & Social Sciences (HASS) includes modules of study in History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship and Economics and Business. Each module covers one term of study. HASS modules cover the same content as mainstream courses but at a greater level of understanding and rigour, especially in terms of the assessments set. In-depth concepts and content can be covered in the same amount of time because of the ability of the students, enabling students to be able to be involved in some of the major competitions that are available. HASS students have had major successes in both the Premier’s ANZAC Student tour competition and the National History Competition over the last 10 years.